Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income

Task for this week

Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project.

So this week is for the Invention, Intellectual property and Income. So In this week I learned about the how a New Invention is protected and how we
do modification in invention to make it profitable. I also learned about the how we can protect the Invention and product from other to copy it.

What is Invention?

Invention means when something is being made for the first time. Before this he did not have any concept. Like if we take the example of the wheel.
When the first man made a wheel of the stone, then it was an invention. There are many trials hits for any invention. Like Thomas Alva Edison who
took 999 trials of the bulb but it failed but his 1000th trial were successful. When we bring an invention to the market, it becomes an innovation.
It takes a lot of work to convert an invention into an innovation. Converting any invention into innovation means making it available to the customer.
In this we have to update the technology of invention and need a good marketing skill. Only then we will be able to convert invention into innovation.

Types of Inventions
Scientific-Technological Invention-
In this type of invention, some new techniques and inventions are done scientifically.In this, better technology for transportation, new medicines in medical,
updating technology, internet, mobile phones are providede by making new invention in all this fields.

Sociopolitical Inventions-
In this invention, we makes new laws, New policies that help the common man.Creating new organizations like schools and colleges for better education.
We can said that by this type of invention make better social life.

Humanistic inventions -

What is Intellectual Properties (IP)

IP means an idea or an invention or a design which has been developed by oneself. Which will later become a useful product and give us profit. it is a property
of our minds creations. To avoid this property we have IP Rights. By using which we can save them. so that no one else can use it without permission.

IP rights
There are some rights which protect our intellectual properties.

Patent -

A patent is an IP property that prevents others from using someone's creation or technology. In the patent process we tell about new technology and its process.
And after taking the patent, we have its legal rights. Many people make profit by renting out their patented technologies. In other word we can said that the patent
is offical registration of technology to the govermenet.


Copyright is term which is used for the protect someones creation works or artistic works. Copyrights covers Books, Music, films, Computer data base ,
technical drawings. There are two rights under copyrights-

Economic Rights - In this, we give our copyright thing to someone else to use, in return, he gives us money.

Moral Rights- In this, it avoids our copyright things that no one else should do it.


Trademark is such a thing that makes our products and services look different from others. Trademark may be a text, combination of text and numbers,
images, 3D design. Trademark helps the customer to buy the right goods in the market.

Franchises -

In this, big companies allow small business men to use their name and product, in return they pay the company.

Trade secret -

In trade secret, the company does not tell the process of making its product, its formula and customer details to the other people.

Trade Dress-

In this we configure the packaging and the colour combination of the product. All this are registered and this not can be used by the competitor.

Credit and Reference

Dissemination plan for my Final project-

Who is my project for?
My project for those who does not have a machinary to check consistency of any food liquid. So it can be use in hotels and food labs.

How is it funded?
At current I am making this project with the help of Vigyan Ashram fablab by using its facilities.

Business plan and funding for scaling up.
Right now it will serve as a prototype. A lot of modifications have to be done in it, then we will be able to launch it publicly.

The license was chosen or something else to protect the intellectual properties of my project:
I created a license from Creative Commons, which process are shown below.

How will I raise awareness of my project amongst the target group
We arrange some demo to the foodlabs and Hotel. And tell them its advantages.

Future Possibilities for My Final Project:
In present condition I this is only for the measure the consistency of tomato sauce and sugar syrup. So we have to modified it for the other liquids. So It required lots of modification as per the future planning

Creating License For my Project

To create the license of my Project I am using this Website of Creative Commons
After that I click on "Share your work".

After that a new window open. Here clcik on to "Get Started".

Then select "Chooser beta " as shown in the image.

Then a new window open. Here we get many steps regarding to our project and their license. So select first step. In this step select 2nd option"No, I need help for selecting license" and next.

In second step select the option "Yes, anyone using my work must include proper attribution " and select next.

In this step select the option "No other can not use my work for commercial purposes" and select next.

In this step select the option "No, Others may only used my work in updated form" and select Next.

In this step select all the boxes and click on next.

Now in this step. We have to enter tha name of project, Project page link, profile link and year of making for the project.

After that I copied the license details in text and HTML formate and then add this details in my project page.

Liquid Consistency measuring Device by Sanjay Surage is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0